Tracking Select Vehicles In Your Fleet

Do I Really Need To Track Every Vehicle?

The short answer is maybe. And maybe not.

I got a call recently from the owner of an air conditioning installation and service company. He had just hired a new employee and wanted to install a GPS tracking device in the new hire’s vehicle. When I asked if he already had trackers on the rest of his vehicles, he said that he did not, but he felt that he needed a device for the new guy so he could keep an eye on him for a while.

“I really don’t see the need to do it with the other techs,” he said, “I know them and I trust them.”

It’s a common statement we hear from business owners, and they often have a point. Some businesses are structured in a way that there’s not much value in knowing exactly where everyone is all day, every day.  A good example of this is sales or service staff that are on 100% commission. If they don’t sell, they don’t make money, which means that they are well incentivized to make those appointments and close those deals. Another example is the small, family-run business, where everyone who works for the company participates directly in the profit and loss. When you already have systems in place that keep your staff motivated, you have already dealt with one of the key value propositions of GPS fleet monitoring.

There are a few other areas where GPS Tracking can add value, so it’s a good idea to ask yourself the following questions before deciding you don’t need to bother with it.

  • How is everyone’s driving behavior? How do I know they aren’t speeding, slamming on the brakes, or mashing the gas to the floor at every green light?
  • Would it be helpful for dispatch or customers to know where my vehicles are in real-time?
  • If my insurance company says that my vehicles are not covered when used for personal errands, how do I know that drivers aren’t using them on nights and weekends?
  • If one of my vehicles gets stolen, how am I going to get it back?
  • How am I scheduling periodic maintenance for each vehicle, and would it help me to automate that reminder process?

If you are not sure if a fleet monitoring service is right for your business, feel free to book a free 30 minute consultation with me I’ll be happy to talk it over with you.

And remember, always make sure your staff knows about the possibility of being tracked. Tracking an employee without their consent is a recipe for trouble.

About Don Sesler

Don Sesler, The Technology Whisperer: As the owner, I have the honor of leading a team of super-smart individuals who share my passion for helping entrepreneurs and business owners not fall victim to complex technology challenges that can kill productivity. We want to tame your technology so that it works for you and not the other way around. What technology problem is making your life more complicated than it should be? Reach out to me and tell me your story.

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