How Fleet Monitoring Improves Fleet Ops

How Fleet Monitoring Makes Your Employees Better

Let’s face it. Nobody likes the idea of having Big Brother looking over their shoulder, and you are not going to win any popularity contests by implementing a GPS tracking system into your company’s field operations.

At least not right away.

People will behave differently in an unsupervised work environment than they will when they know that the boss is (or could be) watching. So, while changing a business culture can be challenging, the overall benefit it brings often makes it more than worthwhile.

It’s not unusual for us to get a phone call from a business owner or operations manager right after something bad has happened with one of their vehicles. An accident, a hefty speeding ticket, an insurance company deciding to raise their rates (or drop coverage altogether), you get the idea. These sorts of incidents are costly for any business, and they are almost always the result of a driver behaving badly when nobody is looking.

Typical Problems We Solve

Our GPS Fleet Tracking can be configured to monitor and report on driver habits, and help the business owner get a much better understanding of what’s happening in the field. Here are just a few examples of bad behaviors that our fleet monitoring system can track and help you correct.

  • Speeding: Speeding tickets are a bummer all the way around. Not only is there the cost of the ticket and the potential increase in insurance costs, but statistics show that speeding is one of the most common factors that lead to accidents.
  • Harsh Driving Habits: A driver who slams on the brakes, mashes the accelerator to the floor, and takes corners like he’s driving for Formula 1 is also a good candidate for a future accident. Correcting these behaviors in advance can also save you on maintenance costs and prolong the life of the vehicle.
  • Timesheet Fraud: Having a record of when employees arrive and depart from the job site can eliminate the temptation for staff to submit extra hours on their timesheet.
  • Unauthorized Vehicle Use: If your drivers take their vehicles home every night, you and your insurance company may have the expectation that the vehicles are not being used in the evenings or weekends for non-work related activities.
  • Side Jobs: We’ve helped more than one service company identify field staff that were using company assets to do a job that the employee was getting paid for under the table.

Our experience has taught us that, more times than not, these types of behaviors go away when field staff know that the boss can monitor what’s going on in the field. Most of these problems simply stop as soon as the driver understands that they will be held accountable for their actions.

Not sure which of these problems might be happening in your company? If you schedule a free consultation with me I’ll be happy to send you a demo unit or two to help you see how GPS Tracking can help your business.

About Don Sesler

Don Sesler, The Technology Whisperer: As the owner, I have the honor of leading a team of super-smart individuals who share my passion for helping entrepreneurs and business owners not fall victim to complex technology challenges that can kill productivity. We want to tame your technology so that it works for you and not the other way around. What technology problem is making your life more complicated than it should be? Reach out to me and tell me your story.