Wait. What? Windows 11?

Wait. What? Windows 11?

Those of us who spend our days using Microsoft PCs have gotten pretty comfortable with Windows 10. Originally released in July 2015, this operating system has served us well over the years, and Microsoft has quietly worked in the background to update the OS to keep it as safe and secure as possible.

But it is time for a change now that Windows has officially released Windows 11. Or, well, is it really time to upgrade? Let’s talk that through.

Free, Brand New, And Very Familiar

Unless you are someone who will take advantage of some of the new features Windows 11 rolls out in its free online upgrade, the new operating system will look and feel very much like the old one, and that works for me just fine. Windows 10 continues to serve a huge percentage of the community well, so I’m happy to see that Microsoft is not changing the look and feel all that much. If you switch back and forth between Macs and PCs, you will notice that the new operating system does look a little more like your Apple device than it did before, but its a subtle change that won’t require much time to get used to.

So, if there’s not a lot of difference in the user interface, then why make the change at all? When you dig into the details its easy to understand why Microsoft decided now is the time to jump to the next generation OS, even if the primary objective was not to redesign the look and feel.

New Features On Display (And Hidden Under The Hood)

Windows 11 does come with a ton of new features, but whether you notice or not will depend on what kind of user you are. If you are the type of person who uses their machine to check email, browse the web, and create the occasional document or spreadsheet, chances are good you’ll forget all about the upgrade in a month or two. But there are some people who will see a huge benefit from the new operating system. Here a a few key features that may make the upgrade worthwhile:

  • Cybersecurity: Okay, sure, this may not be the sexiest part of the upgrade, but it may turn out to be the most important, and was clearly one of the reasons Microsoft decided it was time to release a new OS version. Windows 11 integrates several new cybersecurity features that should make your PC and your data more secure. I use the word “should” instead of “will” here because the future is hard to predict when it comes to the never-ending battle between hackers who try to steal our stuff and developers who try to protect us from them, but the good guys will have a lot more tools to work with going forward.
  • Android Apps: Those who live in Camp Android may need no further reason to upgrade than the integration Windows 11 will offer to run your favorite Android apps on your PC. While not every Android app will be compatible from day one, this seems like a natural partnership and I would expect to see more of the Android app developers making their apps compatible with Windows now that the new operating system is here.
  • Collaboration Tools: Microsoft business collaboration tool is called Teams, and it is getting a monster upgrade with Windows 11. Not only will this upgrade help the business users, but it is clear that Microsoft intends for Teams to compete with FaceTime as the predominate phone, video chat, and online conferencing tool for the next generation.

Not For Everyone, And That’s Okay

Before you get too excited about Windows 11, it’s important to understand that not everybody will be able to take advantage of the free upgrade. The new operating system is only compatible with newer desktops and laptops, although Microsoft is sending signals that more older machines may become eligible to upgrade at some point in the future. And even if your five-year old machine does not meet all the requirements, it may not make sense to go rush out and buy a new machine unless you plan to take advantage of one of the new features. Windows 10 is still great operating system, and if it does everything you need it to do it may make sense to wait a little while before investing in a new piece of hardware.

Bottom Line: Should I Upgrade?

If are on the fence about whether or not to upgrade to Windows 11, fell free to schedule a free consultation with me and I’ll be happy to help you decide if, when, and how to make the jump.

About Don Sesler

Don Sesler, The Technology Whisperer: As the owner, I have the honor of leading a team of super-smart individuals who share my passion for helping entrepreneurs and business owners not fall victim to complex technology challenges that can kill productivity. We want to tame your technology so that it works for you and not the other way around. What technology problem is making your life more complicated than it should be? Reach out to me and tell me your story.