Route Verification: The Magic Wand

Bad Habits Are Easy To Make. And To Break.

Every time one of your drivers starts a vehicle, it is costing you money.  Think of it as little dollar bills floating away into space.  And as long as the work being done is of value, everything is fine.

Field staff can, however, develop some bad habits, taking advantage of their freedom to slack off on the job. But when they know that their every move can be verified, a lot of bad behaviors stop, saving the field operations manager time and money. We call it the “Magic Wand” effect, and we see it all the time.

Route Verification As A Management Tool

Route verification can have significant benefits for almost any fleet operation. The level of verification can vary from simple, old-school methods (each vehicle made all the stops at the locations they were supposed to) to complex (each vehicle stayed on the exact route that they were supposed to use to get to each stop).

Here are just a few of the areas of potential benefit for a GPS monitoring-based system include:

  • Field Supervision: Having a better understanding of where your vehicles are, and where they have been, allows management to get a fuller picture of what’s actually happening on a daily basis, allowing for new insight on how to make field operations better.
  • Cost Reduction: This is the bottom line “magic wand” effect we see when a GPS monitoring system is installed. As field staff comes to grips with the reality that they can no longer get away with any bad behavior, productivity goes up and costs go down.
  • Transparency: Some organizations share their real-time vehicle location data with clients and/or vendors, adding a layer of trust and confidence that can differentiate you from the competition.

GPS tracking systems are more affordable than ever, making them a great tool to fight the rising costs of maintaining your fleet operations.

Could your organization benefit from raising its Route Verification & Compliance game? Schedule a free consultation with me, and let’s see if we can help.

About Don Sesler

Don Sesler, The Technology Whisperer: As the owner, I have the honor of leading a team of super-smart individuals who share my passion for helping entrepreneurs and business owners not fall victim to complex technology challenges that can kill productivity. We want to tame your technology so that it works for you and not the other way around. What technology problem is making your life more complicated than it should be? Reach out to me and tell me your story.